This dataset contains an example of FUSE parameter set. It consists of a data.frame with 24 columns (1 each sampled parameter value).


A data frame with 1 observations on the following 24 variables.

  • rferr_addadditive rainfall error (mm)

  • rferr_mltmultiplicative rainfall error (-)

  • maxwatr_1depth of the upper soil layer (mm)

  • maxwatr_2depth of the lower soil layer (mm)

  • fractenfraction total storage in tension storage (-)

  • frchznefraction tension storage in recharge zone (-)

  • fprimqbfraction storage in 1st baseflow reservoir (-)

  • rtfrac1fraction of roots in the upper layer (-)

  • percrtepercolation rate (mm day-1)

  • percexppercolation exponent (-)

  • sacpmltSACRAMENTO model percolation multiplier for dry soil layer (-)

  • sacpexpSACRAMENTO model percolation exponential coefficient for dry soil layer (-)

  • percfracfraction of percolation to tension storage (-)

  • iflwrteinterflow rate (mm day-1)

  • basertebaseflow rate (mm day-1)

  • qb_powrbaseflow exponent (-)

  • qb_prmsbaseflow depletion rate (day-1)

  • qbrate_2abaseflow depletion rate 1st reservoir (day-1)

  • qbrate_2bbaseflow depletion rate 2nd reservoir (day-1)

  • sareamaxmaximum saturated area (-)

  • axv_bexpARNO/VIC model "b" exponent (-)

  • loglambmean value of the topographic index (m)

  • tishapeshape parameter for the topographic index Gamma distribution (-)

  • timedelaytime delay in runoff (days)


Data set: fuse_parameters


data(fuse_parameters) str(fuse_parameters)
#> 'data.frame': 1 obs. of 24 variables: #> $ rferr_add: num 0 #> $ rferr_mlt: num 1 #> $ maxwatr_1: num 162 #> $ maxwatr_2: num 1404 #> $ fracten : num 0.194 #> $ frchzne : num 0.235 #> $ fprimqb : num 0.324 #> $ rtfrac1 : num 0.274 #> $ percrte : num 440 #> $ percexp : num 18.7 #> $ sacpmlt : num 145 #> $ sacpexp : num 4.19 #> $ percfrac : num 0.33 #> $ iflwrte : num 87.4 #> $ baserte : num 242 #> $ qb_powr : num 7.48 #> $ qb_prms : num 0.0142 #> $ qbrate_2a: num 0.16 #> $ qbrate_2b: num 0.174 #> $ sareamax : num 0.597 #> $ axv_bexp : num 2.92 #> $ loglamb : num 6.84 #> $ tishape : num 4.97 #> $ timedelay: num 4.19