This object contains the list of FUSE model structures implemented by Clark et al. (2011). This is available as numerical codes (modlist) or strings (modliststring). The variables are as follows:

  • mid = model id number

  • rferr = type of rainfall error

  • arch1 = architecture of the upper soil layer

  • arch2 = architecture of the lower soil layer

  • qsurf = surface runoff

  • qperc = vertical drainage

  • esoil = evapotranspiration

  • qintf = interflow

  • q_tdh = routing

Each row identifies a model structure and each column identifies a different element of the model structure. For each element of the model structure, several model decisions can be made (see Clark et al. 2011 for details):

  • Rainfall error (rferr)

    • additive_e (additive rainfall error) = 11

    • multiplc_e (multiplicative rainfall error) = 12

  • Architecture of the upper soil layer (arch1)

    • onestate_1 (Single state: upper layer defined by a single state variable) = 21

    • tension1_1 (Separate tension storage: upper layer broken up into tension and free storage) = 22

    • tension2_1 (Cascading buckets: tension storage sub-divided into recharge and excess) = 23

  • Architecture of the lower soil layer (arch2)

    • fixedsiz_2 (baseflow reservoir of fixed size) = 31

    • tens2pll_2 (tension reservoir plus two parallel tanks) = 32

    • unlimfrc_2 (baseflow reservoir of unlimited size (0-HUGE), frac rate) = 33

    • unlimpow_2 (baseflow reservoir of unlimited size (0-HUGE), power recession) = 34

  • Runoff (qsurf)

    • arno_x_vic (Unsaturated zone Pareto: ARNO/Xzang/VIC parameterization (upper zone control)) = 41

    • prms_varnt (Unsaturated zone linear: PRMS variant (fraction of upper tension storage)) = 42

    • tmdl_param (Saturated zone topographic: TOPMODEL parameterization (only valid for TOPMODEL qb)) = 43

  • Percolation (qperc)

    • perc_f2sat (Drainage above field capacity: water from (field cap to sat) avail for percolation) = 51

    • perc_lower (Gravity drainage: percolation defined by moisture content in lower layer (SAC)) = 52

    • perc_w2sat (Saturated zone control: water from wilt point to saturation is available for percolation) = 53

  • Evaporation (esoil)

    • rootweight (root weighting) = 61

    • sequential (sequential evaporation model) = 62

  • Interflows (qintf)

    • intflwnone (interflow denied) = 71

    • intflwsome (interflow allowed) = 72

  • Routing (q_tdh)

    • no_routing (routing denied) = 81

    • rout_gamma (routing allowed using Gamma distribution with shape parameter = 2.5) = 82

The function readmd() returns the model components corresponding to a given id. A similar function (readmd2var()) reads the components as either character or numeric vector.

On Clark's model list, the parent models (Topmodel, VIC, PRMS and Sacramento) have id = 60, 230, 342 and 426 respectively.

For example, model 5 is identified by the following numeric codes: data(modlist) modlist[5,]


A data frame with 1248 rows and 9 variables


Data set: modlist