The curvenumber (Vitolo and Le Vine, 2016) is an R package (R Core Team, 2016) which allows to calculate two indices for the classification of hydrological responses: the Base Flow Index (BFI) and the Curve Number (CN). These indices are indicators of low and high flow responses, respectively. Techniques have been developed to calculate the indices for gauged and ungauged catchments in the United States (Hawkins, 1993; Hjelmfelt, 1980; Rallison, 1980).

This work presents the first stable release of the curvenumber R package, which allows to calculate the CN and BFI empirically as well as from spatial data layers for catchments in the United Kingdom. The proposed method is based on previous investigations made by Bulygina et al. (2011) but sets the scene for a more general approach that can be applied globally.

The package contains sample datasets as well as a number of examples to test the main functionalities. The functions FindQevents() and FindQevents(), for instance, are used to identify rainfall-runoff events according to Hjelmfelt (1980). The function EmpiricalCN() is used to identify the Curve Number from time series data as well as to plot the CN-P asymptotic behaviour, according to Hawkins (1993). The direct storm runoff can be calulated using the function DirectStormRunoff() and RegionalisedCN() allows to calculate the CN given soil and vegetation maps of the area. The package also allows to calculate the BFI given a soil map RegionalisedBFI() and/or a time series of river discharges EmpiricalBFI().

Work is currently ongoing to develop the curvenumber package further and use it with a probabilistic hydrological multi-model framework (Vitolo et al., 2012, 2016) to predict the effects of land use changes on catchment flows.

Dependencies and installation

The curvenumber package, as well as the examples in the vignette, depend on a number of CRAN packages. Check for missing dependencies and install them:

packs <- c("dplyr", "zoo", "tgp", "stats", "utils", "BH", "Rcpp", "testthat",
           "qualV", "devtools")
new.packages <- packs[!(packs %in% installed.packages()[, "Package"])]
if(length(new.packages)) install.packages(new.packages)

You can install this package from Github with devtools:


Load the package:



For demonstration purposes, we will use data available for the Plynlimon catchments in the United Kingdom. This data is available from the Environmental Information Platform hosted by the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology.

# Look-up table for Plynlimon sub-catchments and codes
# Load table S1 from Bulygina et al. 2011
# Plynlimon sub-catchments spatial polygons data frame
# Load time series (in mm/hour) for Plynlimon subcatchments
SevernTS <- SevernTS
# SOIL MAP (HOST percentage distribution of classes)

Calculated regionalised and empirical BFI

As Severn at Plynlimon flume is a gauged catchment, the discharge time series is avalable and can be used to calculate the empirical BFI as follows:

EmpiricalBFI(Qflow = SevernTS$Q)
#> [1] 0.349

Calculate the regionalised BFI for Severn at Plynlimon flume, given a map of percentage distribution of soil classes and a lookup table.

RegionalisedBFI(soil = PlynlimonSOIL, 
                catchment = PlynlimonSUBCATCHMENTS[1,], 
                lookupTable = S1)
#> [1] 0.347

This value is not expected to diverge from the empirical value +- the weighted standard deviation of BFI, which is calculated as follows.

StDevBFIHOST(soil = PlynlimonSOIL, 
             catchment = PlynlimonSUBCATCHMENTS[1,],
             lookupTable = S1)
#> [1] 0.018

Regionalised and empirical BFI are very similar, the difference is much lower than the standard deviation.

Calculated regionalised and empirical CN

As Severn at Plynlimon flume is a gauged catchment, we can use the precipitation and discharge time series to calculate the empirical CN using the code below. The code takes a while to run, and the result should be 81.

EmpiricalCN(tseries = SevernTS)

In order to calculate the regionalised CN for Severn at Plynlimon flume, we need a vegetation map, a map of percentage distribution of soil classes and a lookup table. The lookup should be generated by the user based on the vegetation classes and hydrological condition of the region of interest. For the HOST classification, the package contains a function to generate the default lookup table, which does not take into account of the particular hydrological condition of the area:

dfLookup <- MakeLoopkupTable()

In some cases the hydrological conditions are different from the default ones. For instance, according to Bulygina et al. (2011) the Severn at Plynlimn flume catchment should have forest and pasture in good condition. The corresponding lookup table is:

dfLookup <- MakeLoopkupTable("Fair woods + Poor pasture")

The regionalised CN can be calculated as follows:

RegionalisedCN(soil = PlynlimonSOIL,
               catchment = PlynlimonSUBCATCHMENTS[1,],
               lookupTable = dfLookup,
               vegetation = PlynlimonVEG)
#> [1] "Calculating contribution of HOSTCODE15"
#> [1] "Calculating contribution of HOSTCODE17"
#> [1] "Calculating contribution of HOSTCODE22"
#> [1] "Calculating contribution of HOSTCODE26"
#> [1] "Calculating contribution of HOSTCODE29"
#> [1] 78

This value is not expected to diverge from the empirical value +- 2 (standard deviation of CN), according to Bulygina et al. (2011).


Bulygina, N., McIntyre, N. and Wheater, H.: Bayesian conditioning of a rainfall-runoff model for predicting flows in ungauged catchments and under land use changes, Water Resources Research, 47(2), 2011.

Hawkins, R. H.: Asymptotic determination of runoff curve numbers from data, Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 119(2), 334–345, 1993.

Hjelmfelt, A. T.: Empirical investigation of curve number technique, Journal of the Hydraulics Division, 106(9), 1471–1476, 1980.

R Core Team: R: A language and environment for statistical computing, R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria. [online] Available from:, 2016.

Rallison, R. E.: Origin and evolution of the scs runoff equation, in Symposium on watershed management 1980, pp. 912–924, ASCE., 1980.

Vitolo, C. and Le Vine, N.: Curvenumber: An implementation of the us soil conservation service curve number method., 2016.

Vitolo, C., Wells, P., Dobias, M. and Buytaert, W.: Fuse: Framework for understanding structural errors., 2012.

Vitolo, C., Wells, P., Dobias, M. and Buytaert, W.: Fuse: An r package for ensemble hydrological modelling, The Journal of Open Source Software, 1(8), doi:10.21105/joss.00052, 2016.