All functions

Calculate the Curve Number from P and Q

Clip soil map over a polygon and (re)calculate areas.

curvenumber: an implementation of the USDA Soil Conservation Service Curve Number method

Calculate the direct storm runoff (Q) from P and CN

Calculates Base Flow Index from time series data

Calculate the Curve Number from time series data (P and Q)

Find precipitation events

Find discharge events

Separate Baseflow and Surface runoff

Map HOST classes into USDA classes

Map raster band values into HOST classes

Generate a lookup table for soil, vegetation and hydrological properties

Percentage coverage of soil classes.

Plot PQ events

Data set: PlynlimonSOILdominant

Data set: PlynlimonSOIL

Data set: PlynlimonSUBCATCHMENTS

Data set: PlynlimonTable

Data set: PlynlimonVEG

Data set: PlynlimonVegSoilTable

Calculate Base Flow Index (BFI) map from soil (HOST) map

Calculate regionalised Base Flow Index (BFI) from percentages of soil classes.

Calculate Curve Number for soil dominant classes (HOST) and vegetation (LCM) maps

Calculate Curve Number for soil (HOST) and vegetation (LCM) maps

Calculate return periods for PQ events

Data set: Table S1

Data set: SevernTS

Soil and Vegetation code to CN, and corrects it based on drainage level, if needed.

Generate Base Flow Index (BFI) map from percentages of HOST classes.